crude, crude, crude. first off, the ONLY way it will work is squirting the nozzle into the compressor. this will cause excessive wear of the blades on the compressor wheel. this will be fine, until you destroy the wheel, then you get to buy a new turbo. you wanted that fp green anyway, right? you can build a better mousetrap, or, in this case, water injection, for about 150 bucks. use the aquamist nozzles, the finer the mist, the more heat it will remove. shurflo pump, 100 psi, shoot that bitch in there, whether you got boost or not. about 70 bucks. hobbs pressure switch, napa, about 30 bucks. tap into your windshield washer resevoir, free. want proof?
before wi
afc hi +7
rpm 7100
knock 3
timing 23
inj duty cycle 87%
after wi(and still tuning)
afc hi 0
rpm 7100
knock 0
timing 28
inj dc 76%