The alcohol in E85 will absorb moisture, but your right we do have sealed systems and the amount of water it's allowed to absorb once in our cars is minimal, however you can't forget the trip the fuel makes to get into your car. From processing to tanks to trucks to tanks again then to a truck again then to a tank in the ground, some water will happen. It happens to regular fuels too.
Anyways, yes you can do it without Link or standalone, but you will need some sort of compensation. You can use an AFC, but you'll bigger injectors and pump even on a stock car. Trust me I tried, you need 680's at a bare minimum on a full stock set up.
I think Keydiver can program a chip for E85, which would be the cheapest way to go. Either way you'll spend about 200-400 in fuel management. I recommend using Link or standalone so you can have a local tuner tune it. E85 can vary from E70-E85 pending on the time of year and your location. It's also a real good idea to have a wideband installed too.
With my E30 I've luck running it without tuning it. I can switch between 91 and E30 anytime. My fuel trims will change about 10-13% which isn't too bad, not great but not bad. E30 is still being test marketed yet so it's not too available.