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custom shift knob groupbuy, anyone?


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Don't have the galant script or drawn out and I looked for it as a font and never found anything when I did the seat bracket logo.


Well-known member
May 1, 2002
Urbandale, Iowa 50323
Quoting JNR:
I had the "Galant" and "VR-4" in AutoCAD (dwg) awhile back; I'll see if I can find it on my archives, fwiw. It was simple recreating it onto CAD though, so somebody competent should be able to reverse engineer it to scale onto the CPU.

JNR - if you have this, that would be great.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
I'll take a look for it. I'm trying to recall why I even made it and know the "VR-4" part was done; just hope I still have it on my HDD, although don't know why I would've gotten rid of it...If I can't find it, wouldn't be a problem for me to do it again on the computer and save as a dxf; I didn't install the autocad/inventor on my new laptop just yet, so would need to do it at work, but maybe just measure it up at home and bang it out.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
Clarksboro, NJ
Yea my attack plan would be trace it using solidworks but using a text editor amd known font would look way better.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Well, found the file and wow it had been almost 6 years ago (damn time flies). I had thought I did it more to actual scale, but comparing it to the repro keychain logo (all I have in front of me) it's not *quite* the same, so now I'm questioning where did I take it from then. the "look" is there and it's close, but there are enough differences that it's not going to match the keychain logo. [EDIT - looking at the badge pic it's closer then; this is what I have; I downloaded dwg viewer so I could see the file, so here's a screenshot (ignore the colors, as those were used to assign pen weights, as well as how crude the lines are since that is display resolution limits only):

I can recreate anything though, based on whatever you want, so let me know if you need any help on what exactly you're looking for.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Well, if it looks OK (ignore the thick lines), you're welcome to the dxf file Blacksheep; just PM your e-mail and I can convert tomorrow at work.


Well-known member
May 1, 2002
Urbandale, Iowa 50323
JNR, Desant - That is what I am looking to get. We have 2 options way I see it...

Option 1: Galant on line 1 and VR4 below, both centered on the knob. The VR-4 can then be made in bigger font, possibly?


Option 2: Galant VR-4, all on one line, centered on the knob

Galant VR-4

I am leaning to option 2 personally - what are your thoughts, people?

I want to thank everyone for their help on this!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
Houston, Texas
trying to fit all that on something that small isnt gonna look right though, thats why i was suggesting it simply saying VR4. because the more you try to squeeze in more characters, the more tiny its gonna be.


Well-known member
May 1, 2002
Urbandale, Iowa 50323
Mike - On two lines, it may look better. I think just VR-4 is too plain, but if we have the font done...I think if they can do 2 renderings for us, it may help make up the mind.

The catch right now is getting the galant font /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
Clarksboro, NJ
Sweet stuff JNR!! I'll see if I can do something about the "galant" since you have the vr4 by the end of the week. Then we can take it from there and see what people want.

My vote is for the option one, because all in one line will give to very small font. Maybe offer three options? 1, 2, and mike's idea? Or maybe even our number?!?! Sorry I'll bring this thread back to focus.

Thanks for organizing this blacksheep, hopefully something comes from this! Still I would like to know how Steve got the fonts for the key chains, any info would help.


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Well when you start having option one two and 3 it gives the guy in the shop more to do and cost will rise. Main reason I didn't do car numbers on gauge panels years ago. When you write code by hand a 1 next to a 2 has a different spacing than a 1 next to a 8 to look correct when cut. To fit galant vr4 across a shift knob especially with a certain font like a bold letter its never going to cut and look right, or is going to be so damn small you can't read it. Look at the screen right now, galant vr4 in a 10 or 12 font is still over an inch long, bold call it over 2 inches then space on each side. Boom you now have a bocce shift knob and with a yellow gauge panel would just need boost to run with an F430. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Maybe a diamond star in the background and vr4 in front of it Have to remember we're talking stainless. sh*t sucks to machine. Ever try to cut it with a hacksaw now multiple the pita level by 10^8 when using a .040 end mill. To much rpm turns blue, move to fast snaps of. Maybe if the shop has a ruby lazzzer or something but a spinning cutter that small of a diameter cutting stainless might last for a few knobs and thats it. Then comes tool changes, re zeroing set-up and all takes time besides the price of the carbine end mill. Maybe have them machine mild steel blank (cheaper and easier to cut) with knurled/ridged sides and then have a black or white delrin on top and the two pressed together. Results would be a weighted knob that doesn't get hot or cold and like said above could have a logoed top piece that could be glued on by the owner, or the owner inserts the top delrin cylinder after the steel knob is tightened down. Nothing I hate worst than twisting on a shift knob and the logo/shift pattern not be lined up. Something else would be to cut a delrin cylinder then have a delrin or steel threaded bushing and inside have an area maybe 2 inches long by 1 inch dia to insert lead or mallory into. Scratch mallory a .438 by 12 inch stick is 60 bucks on summit racing's website.

My 2 cents /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
May 1, 2002
Urbandale, Iowa 50323
Quoting desant78:
Sweet stuff JNR!! I'll see if I can do something about the "galant" since you have the vr4 by the end of the week. Then we can take it from there and see what people want.

My vote is for the option one, because all in one line will give to very small font. Maybe offer three options? 1, 2, and mike's idea? Or maybe even our number?!?! Sorry I'll bring this thread back to focus.

Thanks for organizing this blacksheep, hopefully something comes from this! Still I would like to know how Steve got the fonts for the key chains, any info would help.

I sent an email to Ziggy with a copy-paste of the post I made yesterday, here is his responses to me...

" My recommendation would be to put it on 2 lines. It is a ROUND space we have to work with, and two lines would fill it better. To put everything on one line, it would become very small. I have a friend who can convert high res pics into vector files. I have not spoken with him in a long time, but maybe this will be the reason to renew the contact /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Please send a good pic.

I should mention for purpose of the pics, all on one line is fine. Once it is converted to a vector file, I can manipulate (shrink or expand) and move things around as needed."

So, sounds like 2nd option is that as long we get a high res-pic of the badge, he can do the 2 line approach. Can someone help with this?

I say we try 2 line approach and render it how it would look on a knob. If it looks like asshole, then we just have him delete the "galant" word and just enlarge the "VR-4" which would make Mike happy... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Desant - Steve sent the place an actual fob (Turbowop's, maybe) and they replicated it. I am glad to help do this.



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
If you want a high resolution "graphic", don't rely on a cnc (tools) since it's so tiny, but see how much a laser etch may run.
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