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Coil over plug is done with pictures


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
He doesn't want to have to switch the coil over back to stock because there's no easy way to hook up the lead around the #1 wire to set the timing.

For you guys that doubt the performance of these things, I promiss there worth the effort. I don't know if its worth 500 but defanietly worth the price of a set of wires.

I'm not sure what Dave Buschur is using but I know there Dodge coils. The next time I'm at the dealership I'll talk to the parts guy and find out which one it is by the picture of Tim's car that was in Turbo magazine a few months ago.

The guys at the local Junk yard sell everything in increments of 5 dollars that way they have the tax figuered out in there head and cash sells don't always go in the register.

They wanted 15 a piece for the coils but I talked them down to 75 plus tax for 6 coils, the relay for the wipers and the projectors out of the Diamante lights.

I can't wait to find a few more wrecked intepids/dodge's. I'll start mass production of these's things.

Hope this helps you guys out, Oh and sorry to Buschur and Dejon tool.

The guys at the local Junk yard sell everything in increments of 5 dollars that way they have the tax figuered out in there head and cash sells don't always go in the register.

They wanted 15 a piece for the coils but I talked them down to 75 plus tax for 6 coils, the relay for the wipers and the projectors out of the Diamante lights.

I'll have to check my ten dollar lot. Thats anything I can carry out for 10 dollars per trip. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
That's awesome you got it to work! I love the spirit of finding the 'hot rod' way of doing it and going from there /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif That brings up alot of possibility, as far packaging and wiring and such, to make it both clean, beautiful and functional (yours looks good, btw)...Thanks for writing up about it; this is something that'll work great with my RS Manifold 'build up', as it even eliminates making a bracket for the coil, he he...
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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2002
A pretty well known guy here in the Rocky Mountain DSM arena did some extensive research on these setups using the Chrysler 300M coils and built several setups. It seems that the downfall was that the stock ECU could not control coil dwell, speed, and volt charge setups, causing problems with the setups over time. Don't know if that will be your experience, but keep it in mind.


Wiring them in parallel will make the charge go to the coil with lesser resistance, that's why they should be wired in series as mentioned before.
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Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Whats the PN of these coils?

I'm not sure. Some of the cars at the yard have the year maked on the windshield with a paint pen but not this one. All I know it was a Dodge Intrepid.
By the mounting points being on the top and bottom there different than the ones Buschur sells because his have one on top and the side, and seam to be shorter (If that matters). The May 2004 Turbo magizine had a write up on Tim's car with some pretty good pictures. I thought of this idea about 3 years ago and after seeing it I had to do it.

I looked closer at the coils. In a dot matrix stamp on the side it has

095AD 0458.

Hope it helps


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN

I forgot to draw the littleblack box thingy thats mounted with our factory coils it gets wired on the intersection of the 12volt Galant wire and the two wires going to 1 and 3.

If you guys do this using Junk Yard parts pull the wiring harness and cut the plugs using as much wire as you can get. I cut mine about 3 inches and had to do a lot more connecting than I should have.

A pretty well known guy here in the Rocky Mountain DSM arena did some extensive research on these setups using the Chrysler 300M coils and built several setups. It seems that the downfall was that the stock ECU could not control coil dwell, speed, and volt charge setups, causing problems with the setups over time. Don't know if that will be your experience, but keep it in mind.

I seem to remember this. Being that the 300M/Intrepid coils weren't meant to be used in a waste-spark system they were burning out prematurely. The dwell time on the coils was greatly reduced when they were used in a waste-spark system and they were overheating and dying eventually. Not sure if the wiring was different than the way curtis has them wired up. Time will tell. Keep us posted on your results curtis!


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Ran by the dealership this morning. They come on the 2001 Intrepids and are the same for either engine combo. They list for 50.68 each. They were busy and I didn't check on the ones buschur sells.

Hmmmm..very interesting post, but someone better find out for sure about the series vs parallel thing. In series, each coil is only going to be seeing 6 volts. In parallel, the ECU will need to be sinking twice the current. Neither seems like an ideal situation to me, unless Chrysler uses 6 volt coils.


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Don't know but I'll stick the multimeter on her tommorrow while she's running.
The idle has clear up some, the off throttle response is better and driveability seams better also. In a few weeks I'll be able to see if the fuel economy has increased. The new hasn't worn off yet and my foot has been in the throttle alot today.

That doesn't sound right. Shouldn't the secondary coils be seeing more like 100 volts? So if we wanted to even things back out we could replace the primary coil with an appropriately sized unit, right? Or am I missing something....


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2004
Omaha ,NE
i though in series each coil would get less. 12 then 9 then 6 and then 3 but in a parallel circut gets all 12 volts to each coil

You mean the Ignition transistor will the sinking twice the current. The ECU runs the transistor.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
So, Curtis, how is this setup holding up for you, after 2+ months? I am interested in going with this setup in the future, but would like to get a first-hand account of the 'reliability', etc...I have a source thru Napa to get these at a decent price, but curious what other types of coils would fare well with our ignitions?



Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Clarksville TN
Well the car sat in the garage for a weeks around christmas then I DESTORYED YET ENOTHER GEARBOX but the coils are fine and have had zero problems from them. The driveability went up along with acceleration in traffic with out downshifing. The car pulls to redline with no spark knock at all. And also the idle improved and this is after replacing the wires just a few months before. Since the build up a few of my buddies here in town went with the same set up and also love them. I found out the Dave Buchur sets are also intrepid coils but from a different motor. They have 2 differnt six cylinders in the cars but the only differance is the mounting flange. The ones I used have an aluminum rod that runs through the boot where the ones Buchur uses have a spring in the middle. I got lucky with the ones I found because the aluminum will pass the current easier than through a spring. The dealer here in town priced them to me for 35 a piece cost and list to joe off the street was a little over 50 each. Try and find them used so you can get the plugs and also get as much wire out of the harness as possible it will make the buildup a lot easier.
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