The situation you are describing sounds to me very much like it is fuel related!
I have checked all the posts above. Sometimes when you list a lot of work you have done on a car it is easy to miss the little things but after doing all that work did you change the fuel filter or clean out the fuel lines given that you said the car sat for nine years?
For the 15 minutes that it will take you, I seriously suggest that you remove the filter and empty it into a clean rag or tissue to see how clean your fuel is. If there is a lot of sediment in it, I would hazard a guess that some of it 'may' have already found it's way to the injectors. Even if it hasn't you are going to want to drain the tank (or preferably drop it altogether) to get any crap out of the bottom of it AND flush the lines.
Clean the injectors if they need doing, clean the fuel pick up sock, run the pump in some clean fuel to flush that as well, then reassemble with a clean filter. If that fixes it, change your filter at more frequent intervals for a few months until you see a noticeable improvement in fuel cleanliness and be prepared to clean the injectors more than once if you didn't get a substantial amount of the crap out of the system.
In really bad cases I have heard of people having to get new fuel lines but that's rare and in any event that's usually a good excuse for a fuel line upgrade.