Has to be done with a voltage meter, you load the circuit by running the car, sometimes will work if you simply turn on the key. I don't know where the 4000rpm question came from but idle is all you need. you're just looking to put an electrical load on the circuit.
An ohm meter will work to tell you if the resistance is really high or if the circuit is just plain open but the small amount of voltage used by the meter in this mode will not show a marginal ground or connector.
also a test light requires very low amp load to light & is only really useful for determining is the circuit has "Potential" it will not tell if the circuit is good loaded, unless you build a test light set up with a varying load ability. Ie one that you can add & remove bulbs from to simulate the load of the circuit you're testing.
For your purposes just start the car, connect one end of the meter to the charge lug(The one with the plastic ring, that should have the wire with the rubber hat attached to it) & the pos connection of the battery, now since your battery is in the trunk you can use the lead your main fuse pack is attached to, the one that would have been connected to the pos term of your battery in the stock location. it would be best to check all the way to the pos side of the battery if you have an extra length of wire to make the distance.