Quoting HiImBrian:
^And that makes perfect sense to me, but I doubt anybody on here "needs" a 19 inch rim to clear their brakes haha.
No but some of us "need"
an 18 inch rim to clear their brakes ... I hate to bring this pic up again but for those who doubt an 18" rim is necessary
And THAT one isn't a photoshop (numerous others do exist /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif) the rotors really are that big
And whilst I certainly won't dispute that ride quality on 17s is good I don't think 18s will necessarily give a bad ride, the key as Mark pointed out is getting the setup right so that you don't rub or live on the bump stops. The key to this for me was not dumping the car so low and going with the rally spec Hotbit struts which are going to lift things a little. Not as much as here on the lift though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
One final thing I would add here is that whilst for handling and comfort it should always be function over form, black wheels will always look smaller than white, bronze or silver. It's just a colour perception thing. Consequently although I don't have a picture here to show it, the car actually looks very good with these wheels in black!