Phil, thanks man i have been putting a lot of work into her. im starting to really understand how to self tune, next step will be turning on the meth and dialing that in, still waiting to put it on the dyno though. Phil, what have you been doing with yourself? do you need a vacation? come hang out with me in tahoe for a few days.. we wont even touch a wrench.
i got stoptech slotted sport rotors and stoptech performance pads. it stops the car so much better. i went driving on some mountain passes yesterday and it was nice, high speeds, lots of turns. i even went through a few spots fast then i ever have before, a lot has to do with all new everything up front, but the brakes really made the difference. i barley had to touch them and i was coming to such a quick stop. i also removed the ABS though so i have more pedal feel in the brakes.