Ok Kenny,
I am a certified auto tech who has been working on every make and model car for about 10 years now. I have worked in two different performance shops and managed a shop for about two years. I am saving and working on starting my own performance shop. There is my creditably. Now this is my opinion and opinion only. Here it goes:
Kenny, sell ALL your tools. Every single one. You have NO idea how to repair a car. NONE. Everything you are ranting about is wrong. ALL wrong. If you do anything you say you are going to do, your only going to make everything worse. What makes me more upset is that your going to say it's the machine shop's fault or that it's a Mitsubishi so it's crap. Blah Blah Blah. It can't be your fault it's all breaking down, no way, it's gotta be something else.
I love kids like you. You make me rich. You try to "fix" your own car all the time, but yet it never works. After about two weeks you'll give up and bring it to a technician like myself and I get to fix it right and get rich off of you.
Face it Kenny, your out of your league. This is too much for you. Your going to end up spending way too much time and money and not get anywhere. You'll just have another problem next week, then you'll be crying about that. Then you'll post all about it and your half assed ways of figuring it out. Then we will all try to help you, and you'll reject the opinions of master technicians, and hobbyists on this site that have been doing this for decades and know more than you can imagine.
But no matter what you think your right. Always do buddy. Either take some advice or shut up.
Everyone on this board who is reading this thread knows what happened to your car. We are trying to tell you, yet all you can do is say "no your wrong" just like a four year old child. Grow up. Take some advice.
Here's what happened: YOU looped your breather lines. First mistake. That created more pressure than your seals and case can handle.
Second, YOU saw a problem, yet continued to run the car for twenty minutes thinking it will go away.... it never does.
Third, you kept trying to run the car. You didn't quit. Like some miracle would fix your car.
SO what happened? When you looped the breathers you built pressure in the crankcase, this pushed oil up your drain pipe from the turbo which blew out the turbo seals and caused the smoke. Once this happened you starved the oil pump of oil for a second which starved the rings of oil. Since you have a new engine and I'm sure you didn't seat the rings properly, the rings then wore out and caused your low compression and more smoke. That's why when you did the wet test your compression jumped up. There you go!
You ruined your rings, you ruined your cylinder walls, you ruined your turbo seals, you blew your engine.
NOT because it's a crappy Mitsubishi, or a crappy machine shop. It's cause your an idiot who looped your breather lines thinking your are an awesome tuner just like in the movies.
My rant is over.
Take your car to a professional and make him(or her) rich.