Cliff notes: Can anyone give me some simple tips on how to get the ball joint out without moving the axle?
I hate to bump this old thread, but boy was I worthless today. I hate being a car newb.
The past few weeks I have been slowly doing the front suspension on my car. So far I've got new struts, new axles, and new tie rod ends. I've eliminated about 75% of my clunks up front.
As per this thread, I hunted down some non-buttco ball joints. No zerk fittings, burned looking threads, no nonsense type stuff. All I could find to rent was a 6 piece ball joint press. I rented that ($116 up front, jesus) and tried to remove the ball joints up front without moving the axles out of the way. I just got the car aligned after I did my tie rod ends (found a place 2 blocks from my work, so I did it there after work one day and drove it the smallest distance possible) and I was hoping I could somehow get the ball joints done without having to get the car re-aligned.
The ball joint press I rented seems huge. If the bolt wasn't sticking out above the connector arm-thing on the hub, I would be able to slide it on there with about 2mm to spare before I hit the bottom of the axle cup (not sure if that's the right term, sorry) - but that would have the press on backwards. I don't see any way to get it positioned correctly without getting the axle out of the way.
I took back that ball joint press and tried some pitman arm pullers of various sizes and a pickle fork as well. All in all I've fronted about $250 today renting these things, and I've made no 'real' progress. I did free up the hub from the ball joint, but I can't seem to pop that sucker free.
I'd appreciate any more tips from all you guys that are smarter than me. (99.53% of the people registered on this forum) I'd hate to have to eat the $80 to get it re-aligned, but I guess if that's what I have to do to pop these stock-looking ball joints, then so be it.
Thanks for your time.