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anyone try using the EVO Ecu?

Street Surgeon

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
I have an VIII ecu and am in the process of building the conversion harness with a little help from Dan. It looks fairly straight forward but I won't have it done until this spring when I roll the car out with all the new goodies. I guess I'll add to this thread then.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
32159, FL
Evo 8-9 ecu's are right on par with standalone systems and can also be covrerted to sd to get rid of that pesky maf that becomes a restriction in the mid to upper 500whp area. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have seen it done in the 1g but I honestly did not take a close look or ask questions since I do not have a dsm or gvr4 anymore but it seems there is no real restriction in the stock ecu as it has made well over 700whp and can run 1500 cc injectors etc..
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I've got Evo ecu's in-stok Jeff. So build the cable/harness & I'll put the car on the dyno to get some #s. My car is up & running again so things should be a lot easier to test.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2006
here's another link to one of the ECUFlash Guru's on evom that's done it. Lots of good info here.


Probably the first GVR-4 Flash ECU:

The ECU boots and tests perfectly on the bench, but I'd really like to get this thing into a car and really test it. It should be 100% plug-n-play, all you need is the 2G knock sensor. You *might* also need a 2G coolant sensor, but I'm not sure about that one. Worst case it will read off a little bit.
The beta tester will need to purchase an Openport 2.0 cable from me if they don't have one already ($179), and of course you will need a laptop to run ECUFlash and EVOSCAN. I would prefer someone with either a 2G or 3G #482/EVO MAS, as I can put the exact compensation into the flash when I ship it.
This adapter harness has both the OBDII and 12-pin diagnostic connector, so the Tactrix Openport cable plugs right in. (Thanks to Autobahntom freezing his butt off in a junkyard the other night). I can also probably do an EVO adapter harness, as they are almost identical to the 2G pinout. I also left the MDP/MAP sensor wire hang loose, so you can tie it to a 3 BAR MAP sensor if you eventually want to play with speed density. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I will disable all the emissions stuff in the flash before shipping, so none of that is going to be an issue.

FYI: I'm also looking for someone with a 1995 or 1996 2G Turbo DSM that still has the stock cam sensor, NOT converted to a 6-bolt 1G CAS. I have a hardware fix that will hopefully allow these 1998/99 ECU's run perfectly in any 1995/96 cars also.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
Binghamton, NY
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jawdrop.gifSuweet! An OBD2 ECU will definitely be in the cards for me down the road. It would be amazing if this really works out to be plug and play. Thanks for doing all the dirty work and hopefully the VR4 community will benefit from this new development as much as they have from all your previous work. Keep us updated.

Quoting keydiver:
Probably the first GVR-4 Flash ECU:

I would prefer someone with either a 2G or 3G #482/EVO MAS, as I can put the exact compensation into the flash when I ship it.

It looks like Tom & Jeff had a busy Christmas /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif

Jeff, my car meets the Evo MAS requirements & the ecu can be tested in a controled environment with supporting data recorded.

I finished the EVO harness tonight:

Now if I only had an EVO8 ECU and knock sensor to test it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
KC, Missouri
That looks awesome. What is the white connector from, a 2g ecu?

Oh, I guess I probably have it backwards.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2007
Wakefield, RI/Meriden, CT
This lookS awesome! Jeff, you never fail us and are always ahead of the curve /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif Coming from being a honda guy, I find it funny that we would be wanting to go obd2.

I have no knowledge of the Ecuflash software and such but how would tuning compare to lets say dsmlink3 and aem. Obviously aem has more tuning capabilities...... Where would the flash land???

What is total cost harness, ecu?? Awesome work!!!!!! I have been saving toward aem but this has definetly sparked my interest!!!!!!!!!!
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Jeff, I know you do the dual image EPROMs for 1G's that allow you to switch between E85 and pump gas. Is such a thing also possible with the 2G/EVO ECU's?

As long as people can keep supplying me with the pieces necessary for the harnesses they will probably be ~$100. Fortunately the 2G ECU harnesses work well for an EVO ECU also. The white connector is the connector block out of a scrap 1G ECU, so the 1G/GVR-4 harness will plug right into an EVO or 2G ECU.
Some of the EVO flashes do allow for map switching, but I'm not an expert on that. The 2G Flash ECU already has 2 sets of maps, and you can simply go in and change one bit to flip between maps. So, to change from racegas to pumpgas is just a simple bit change, and it changes both the openloop AFR and the high octane timing maps both.
The change to E85 would be just slightly more involved, you would not only need to change the map bit, but you would need to change the injector scaling. Say you have 950cc injectors @ 37psi. Instead of an injector scaling value of 862cc (the 2G ECU thinks you are at 43psi base fuel pressure) you would need to change the Injector Scaling to ~578cc when switching to E85. The EVO Injector Scaling is just slightly different, as they have their own wacky scaler values. In the DSM community we use a scaler value of 31050/Injector size = scaler value. The EVO guys have been using 29241/injector size = scaler, so their scaler values look funky. Their stock 560cc injectors come up as 513cc! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uhh.gif Their deadtime/latency values I also think are incorrect, as they are using the old 1G scaling of 24X, and I have a guy feeling that it is actually 32X. The 2G is 15X.

Quoting 381gvr4:
I find it funny that we would be wanting to go obd2.

Its not that we really *want* to go OBDII, we disable all that stuff, but the newer ECU's have so much more processing power and the EVO guys have added tons of features over the years, which makes it a very attractive platform.

I have no knowledge of the Ecuflash software and such but how would tuning compare to lets say dsmlink3 and aem. Obviously aem has more tuning capabilities...... Where would the flash land???

ECUFlash doesn't have the nice GUI interface like DSMLink, and doesn't have the easy-to-learn AFR and timing sliders, but it is more like the ECMLink v3 Direct Access feature, where you can go in and do true 3D map editing. For years, the biggest shortcome of the DSMLink, in my opinion and others, is that not only do you start with stock maps, but the sliders effect that AFR or timing at every boost level, which can hurt driveability. Their Direct Access and expanded maps of v3 finally get rid of that, but it is not as user friendly either. You need to edit each cell individually in Direct Access, just like ECUFlash and any standalone, like AEM or Haltech. But, that is a much better way to tune, because you can tune each boost map separately, without effecting the driveability if you turn the boost up or down. If you can tune a standalone like AEM you can tune using ECUFlash.
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