Came over to my house on Saturday, things were delayed because of me
Gave him the Base Roms for EDM Evo 8 and adjusted for 450cc and 560cc injector scales
removed all immobilizers and we just have to flash the individual ECUs
Roms will be scaled to the EVO Maf, if u want to use a 3g or 2g maf, they will need to be scaled accordingly.
I have the scalings for both, so if u tell John which ones you need we can base tune it accordingly for an additional price
The reason for using the EDM rom is that the Cam Reluctor waveform on the EDM rom is similar to the 1g/gvr4 Cam Reluctor, because the waveform on the USDM Evo 8 Cam reluctor is different, it will throw a CEL if u use a USDM based rom