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act 3200 or exedy twin disk


Staff member
Feb 24, 2004
How about an os giken? click


The one pictured is for mazdas but you get the idea.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
I had an Os Giken, but decided not to use it since the distributor told me that it would not hold over 450hp.

Other guys using Os Giken twin plates making big power also informed me that it will not hold the power unless you upgrade the discs.

Also I had the pressure plate measured and it was something like 1700lbs whereas the twin plate I am using at the moment is about 1400lbs. I prefer the lighter pedal.

The clutch I am using (I actually have 2 of them) is called Direct Clutch.

I dont think these guys have a website, but there is a photo of what the clutch looks like in this link below


They are a very very good clutch, and with the currency at the moment, you guys should try them.

Anyone got an idea on a cheaper twin disk that can handle the power? Im thinking about just sticking to the 2600


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
Portland OR,
If it was me I would go with a QM.

This is way

The PTT uses a .200 thick disk, and this is why the height of the overall clutch basket is less than the QM. The QM uses a triple disk basket and thicker .250 disks. These carry a huge advantage in heat dissipation, and abuse. Since the PTT has a lower overall basket height than the QM it needs a larger slave in order get proper function and play in the engagement of the clutch. The pedal stop in the PTT also is required because due to the lower overall basket height, the fingers of the PP can be over extended which will lead to thrust bearing problems through use.

But honestly I dont think I need 500 hp on a dd. I mean thats high 10's right? Im fine at running 11's. Brianawd what do you have for turbo and clutch?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
You can find used QM twins pretty easily for way cheaper than new.

I picked up the one I used for my car for $700 from a local that was doing an auto swap. It had about 500 miles on it.

Add up what an ACT clutch and flywheel costs new, and you're just about there.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2002
San Jose, CA or Philippines
I have gone from a 2600, to 2900, now on a QM twin-disk. I like the pedal feel of the QM the best since its less pressure than the act 2600. The engagement is a bit rough if you're too quick on the release, but I think it can be manageable for dd. The adjustment on the rod adjustment of the clutch master is back to stock length with the QM. All the act's I've seen have the rod adjusted out to the last thread just to properly disengage. Maybe that was also why i went through 2 slaves in a year when i was using the 2900.

The think is I have the flywheel and I have the 6 puck sprung disk. I was just offered the exedy twin disk for 625. I still dont think it will handle the hp I want. I would like the QM but the price is scary lol. I want to find want cheap


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
32159, FL
Act 6 puck sprung is junk and the springs will more than likely pop out as they have done to many in the past including my self both in Dsm's and my evo.

I will never run an ACT spring disk again but when you add the unsprung 6 puck it is way more reliable and engagement is not really that bad unless you have a vagina, Even then it is not that bad if you know how to modulate.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
Portland OR,
The think is I have the flywheel and I have the 6 puck sprung disk. I was just offered the exedy twin disk for 625. I still dont think it will handle the hp I want. I would like the QM but the price is scary lol. I want to find want cheap

The exedy is a great twin disk. The only problem is it does not last. Most evo guys that are running that clutch say its not good for much more than 450awhp. My good Friend Lucas from English racing had one in his car. He said its good for 20-30 launches and then its starts to slip.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2004
manchester, ct
you have to learn how to ride the twin disc. you cant pop it from a stop light because it will be very rough. they say you need a pedal stop with the ptt, but you do not. you can adjust the clutch to a point where it is not needed, and I have not used one on my car in 2 years. i had the quartermaster clutch before than and they are both good, but I would have to go with the ptt for a better driving clutch. remember, the owner of ptt is a guy who worked for quartermaster for a long time designing their clutches, and the ptt twin disc is a newer, better, redesigned clutch.


Staff member
Feb 24, 2004
Will an evo 1 clutch work on a vr4? click Anyway some nice release bearing & clutch lines. Got carbon? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Okay so after researching for hrs and hrs and taking all of in consideration of all your opinions im going to go with a act 2600 with my 6 puck sprung disk. It supposed to handle up to 513 ft lbs of torque which I fiqure buy the time im making that much I will go to a twin disk and a built tranny

From what I have read it inst that bad at all. I dont like the street disk becasue it can only handle 400 for torque

It should be done in a few weeks ill let you guys know. maperformnce is sellin that kit for like 380 shipped
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