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A Tale of two TiALs (FAIL)


Well-known member
May 28, 2003
Quoting NateCrisman:
Quoting Alpha Male:

i actually have a knock off tial on my car.

i also detest walmart, mostly because it's america f***ing itself. but i dont actually have a problem with chinese made sh*t, i buy stuff from often, i heard china is unionizing though? so maybe this sh*t will step up some in quality and cost

Hello Mr Kettle. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif I wish expensive engine failure on you too. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

so much sarcasm gets lost when translated to text /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Blairstown, NJ
yeah I sat and thought about this thread all morning and kinda came to the conclusion that I was being a jackass. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rofl.gif


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2007
haha anyways back to business. I forget what you are building now. You took your old talon out of retirement and are going to run a 9 with no nitrous on a 14b?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Blairstown, NJ
a 9 without nitrous on a 14b. yeah, no chance in hell unless its a 1500lb DSM.

Yes, I have my old 1g racecar back, yes it's been put back together super budget style with all crappy used parts. I was intending to get both the 14b records (10.84 without nitrous / 10.61 with nitrous) but I blew up the only 14b I had already with my galant. So the yellow 1g went together with a used E3 16G. I don't think it's going to be light enough or tuned well or driven/setup well enough to make any challenge on 16g records (which are all basically at the 9.9 point).

The yellow 1g is just a toy now, hopefully Ill get to run it a couple more times this season. I'd be happy to make a 10 second pass in it in any way/shape/form. The first time out I made 3 abortion passes due to clutch/trans issues and one full pass that was semi clean: 12.3 @ 111 at very low boost with 3* less timing than my conservative pumpgas map. I kinda expect the car to run in the mid to low 11's next time out.

Goal is to have it ready to race at the October 23rd Etown mitsu showdown and race in the street 16 class (fast cars normally go low 10's..Ben Stoner, Mike Rizzoti). It's going to take some heavy nitrous to even get close to those big turbo cars with a 16g.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2009
surprise az
Everyone here is overlooking the most important economy in their lives, the micro economic situation in their household. If i can buy something cheaper, that gets the job done, i will, enter the xtd stage 4 clutches, and cheap intercooler kits. Products like this aren't robbing companies r&d, they are age old designs that work. Stealing r&d would be direct copies of link, wiseco hd knockoffs, directly copied bb turbo's. Buying a knock off bov, wastegate, intake, is going off of 20+ year old tech, not stealing cutting edge r&d. If someone copies your ideas, why not stay ahead with fresh new ones?

Terry Posten

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
Davenport, Iowa USA
If Tial could have patented the BOV, they would have. They couldn't because it was not a new design that did something different in a different way than others on the market. I am sure it would not be hard to find out that Tial copied someone else's work.

They did trademark their name but that was all they could do.

All they did was figure out how to make a bypass valve work very well over a long period of time in an attractive body.

In order to be awarded a patent you have to have an original idea/product (completely different way to do something) and be able to prove you were the first to invent it.

On a side note, patents are challenged everyday by people that say they were the first to think of it. It is hard to prove and pricey but if proven, patents can be revoked and transferred. To actually get a patent is a very lengthy proposition and quite costly. And you better be ready to keep defending your "intellectual" property for the life of your patent. I personally don't have any patents but my cousin (owns Digital Delay) has quite a few. The first few he got was through a legal team and after having to write all the technical papers and do 90% of his own research to prove his case, he now does it all by himself except for the final filing so that the whole legal process gets expedited.

And besides Russia, China, North Korea, and dozens more countries do not honor "intellectual" property of anyone, especially if that "property" is from the western world.

Sorry to get off track a little bit. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
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