It's not as bad as you think its going to be... Like stated before, BAG & TAG EVERYTHING including bolts, nuts, washers, wires, hoses, etc! Get masking tape or duct tape and wrap a small piece around each wire harness and then mark #1, #2, #3 on each one as you go and also write it down on scrap paper. That way when you go to put it all back together you can match up wire harness #1 with the correct ones. Also bag bolts up and label every bag, and keep the bags with whatever it came out of so your not "bolt hunting" like another member said. It will go back together SO MUCH EASIER this way an it's a very good habit to get into. I just pulled my first motor out with my older brother. It was overwhelming at first but if you have a plan & break it down step by step you'll be fine. You'll need a good set of tools some know how & like said before have someone help you to watch over your work but not do it for you, otherwise you will never learn for yourself. Good luck and just ask any question you have as you go, it's better to ask then to Screw it up because you just assumed something.