Quoting LIV4PSI:
I don't think we should try and do a lineup at Buschur's. Many people don't even come until Friday night or Saturday. Everyone is coming and going on Friday as well. I think we would be lucky to get 5 VR4s together for an hour.
The goal is to get the biggest lineup possible, right? It would be much easier to pick one time, opposed to trying to keep us all together all weekend.
Craig, there were hundreds of people and hundreds of cars there that friday and as the day gradually passed it kept growing and growing. and if i remember correctly the 6 or 7 VR4's that i counted there that friday were all there till the very end, one or two left a bit early though but the majority of them stayed parked the entire time. and the whole time they were all being loaners and spread out in different places, and all im sayin is they could of been all parked together that whole time.
Guys im open to suggestions here and your welcome to help me obtain this 20 Galant VR4 attendance goal for next year but all im saying is that im gonna have us all park together for all 3 days, just because im gonna have us park together that friday doesnt mean thats the time i'll be shooting for a 20 VR4 line up. I'll be doing it all 3 days. Like i said, i saw LOTS of VR4's there that friday and were gradually showing up as the day went by, and it would of been nice to have us all lined up on the side of the road like most of the car there were already doing instead of being all spread out.
Having a set time would be a good idea, and Saturday would def be the day to do it because not everyone is running off to go see the drag racing that day. what i tried to do was coordinate with you guys by either FB messages or text and most of the time my dumb ass phone had no signal so it was VERY hard to get us all rounded up for stuff. but this year now that we all kinda know how it will go, it will go a bit smoother.
So with that being said, whoever is planning on bringing their GVR4 to the shootout next year, keep your eyes peeled for my cones and signs saying "Reserved Parking for Galant VR4's" and come and join us. I'll have them all set out all 3 days of that weekend.