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11/04 Grassroots Motorsports GVR-4 Article

Thanks for the link Harry! Im definitely going to subscribe but its too late for them to send me the november issue with my car in it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif I searched yesterday for another hour w/ no luck. Ive gotten the 'one free' issue a few months back and love the mag!

this place is in Burbank, CA. they carry it; i bought two copies of that issue. and they have tons, just heaps of awesome car stuff, perhaps one of my top ten favorite places on the planet to go -*the* place to go:

Cool, thats my engine in those pics. LOL!!! Yay! I'm famous, just kidding. I just called Borders, and they carry them. They dont have the November issue yet, I was told to check on wed and fri.

I enjoyed the article and find it nice to get a little recognition. I appreciate the author trying to give Mitsubishi credit for the Rally Homologation car here in America,--even though it could be argued that the Toyota Celica All Trac and Mazda 323 GTX were to market a few years earlier.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2001
Yakima, WA
I bought the issue on Saturday at Borders. Good article. Some older guy in line next to me even commented to me on the nice choice of auto magazine. I agreed as I mentioned it's about the only magazine I read anymore. Pretty cool issue because of not only the Galant article but also because the Fordahl Motorsports 914 is in it. I see that car at local SCCA autox's here every year. Hell, I even posted pics of it last spring along with some other cool cars from the event.

Terren, I reserved 3 at the El Cajon Borders. Picking them up tomorrow Tuesday. Call me, if you want one.

Finally found the damn mag!.. Just took the bookstores longer than I wanted to get em /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2002
Lake Orion, MI
Ok, I'm a moron, but can anyone tell me how to save these pics so I can zoom in and actually read them? When I open to a new window for a brief second I can see them in decent resolution, then it goes to a smaller pic that if I zoom in on is shitty.

I've tried saving as .bmp and .jpg and neither saves with high resolution. Are these just thumbnails and I need to copy them from the archives or what?

Any help would be great. Looks like a nice article.


if they were scanned at a low rez size to enable upload, then there is nothing you can do.

get the magazine. read the earlier post about auto/aerobooks. there is a link to thier site. they have it, and can probably ship it to you from Burbank, CA if you absolutely cannot find it.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
ca browser does the same thing...what you have to do, after clicking on the thumbnail in this thread, is move your cursor over the picture and then an icon appears on the lower right corner (looks like a brown ball, with 4 arrows); click that icon and it expands it to full size...

Or, you should be able to right-click and 'save as' (not the thumbnail; after you open it), then zoom up within your graphics program...I scanned them at a decent resolution, so you should be able to read...

As mentioned though, nothing beats the real thing (magazine) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Ok, I'm a moron, but can anyone tell me how to save these pics so I can zoom in and actually read them? When I open to a new window for a brief second I can see them in decent resolution, then it goes to a smaller pic that if I zoom in on is shitty.

After you click on them...
the new window opens up...
the computer than resizes them to fit the window... hold you mouse over the picture and a square will appear in the lower right hand corner...
click on it to make the picture the orignal size...


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2002
Lake Orion, MI
Got it! However, just to make sure I understand:

When pictures are dropped into a thread, they are "thumbnails"? You have to click on them to view the full size image?

Reason I ask this for confirmation is this:
Right click on image in thread, save as and result is low resolution pic, no provision for image quality except either .jpg or .bmp
"Open" the image in thread to a new window, where you see the image, then in the lower right corner click on the button to view it in original size, you get the full resolution pic that you can then right click on and save as to get a high resolution copy on your hard drive. At least that's how it worked for me.

I agree, though, I should get the actual mag. An impala buddy has one and said he'd donate it to me next time I'm in St Louis. Gotta give him some time to re-coop after that beating the cards took, though. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif



Well-known member
Dec 5, 2002
Lake Orion, MI
Ok, one more comment on the article.

It states that they came with a "matching brass and leather" key fob. I did a search and didn't come up with any reference to the key fob having any leather with it. I want to make sure I'm not missing any part of the package, as I have a leather service manual cover, but no leather as part of the key fob.




Well-known member
Sep 22, 2004
"matching brass and leather" key fob

Yeah what is that????

btw...I got my copy today.

I picked up 2 at Books-a-Million yesterday! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
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