From the rear of the engine, near the firewall:
1. small bolt, 12mm head, above the xfer case, running from the engine block side, through a non-tapped hole, into a tapped hole in the tranny
2. starter bolt, 14mm head, sandwiching the bellhousing plate between the bellhousing and starter
3. starter bolt, 14mm head, sandwiching the bellhousing plate between the bellhousing and starter
4. top rear tranny bolt, 14mm head, holds the coolant pipe bracket to the bellhousing, threads into block
5. top front tranny bolt, 14mm head, threads into block
6. bellhousing plate bolt, 10mm head, holds bellhousing plate to the bellhousing
7. front tranny bolt, 14mm head. Down near the slave cyl. MUST be in place, or you'll break things.
8. bottom - 12mm head, flywheel inspection plate cover bolt
Here's a picture of the rear most bolt.