I have my car apart to paint and was wondering if anyone has pictures of their door handles painted body color? Would like to see how it looks, but I'm thinking of painting mine white to match the car!
My car is Black but I still left the handles unpainted, they were never painted from the factory so I kept them that way, I'm sure there are other guys on here that have painted theirs though. I might paint mine black this time around to experiment and see how they'll look though, mines in the paint shop right now
Love this thread, I've been asking myself the same question. Question, on a white car what do you do with the black rubber gasket behind the handle? I really don't want to paint the car with the handles on it; it's a much cleaner paint job painting them separate.
I'm referring to the color of the gasket. I think it woud look tacky with them black; or are they hard enough that they can be painted as well with the handles? I currently have all of my handles off the car.
Quoting FavNumber:
Makedollarz has maybe one of the best looking gvr4's I've ever seen...I still have those pics you sent me Chase. Please paint the door handles black door handle on a white car will make it look like a base model pos
Just need a , between handles and black.
else it is hard to understand.
Please paint the door handles, black door handle on a white car will make it look like a base model pos.
Quoting PreskitVR4:
Gaskets painted looks sloppy. It will look like you didn't even bother to remove the hanles for paint. You need the detail, trust me.
DUH, guess I should of enlarged the picture. I see the black gaskets now behind the handles. That VR4 looks damn nice.
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