To quickly troubleshoot this problem, I suggest you use a logger and disable one injector/cylinder at a time. If the noise changes goes away, you can bet that rod bearing isn't happy.
If the noise doesn't change under load, but comes and goes with engine rpm, it might be a balance shaft bearing
If the noise sounds like it's coming from the top of the motor, I wonder if the car might have a couple of weak/collapsed lifters?
Pulling the valve cover and pressing on the rockers would tell that tale. Any that are squishy need to be replaced. Even of they all feel okay, be sure to check the cam lobes for signs of abbynormal wear/contact patterns
At any rate, I'm damn glad to see you on the job, and I know you guys will get it sorted out!
If you guys need anything, just holler. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif