EDIT: In the interest of getting more people running these, here's the two threads I've got bookmarked on the Cyclone for future reference. Hope they help.
When you're in a thread you want to be able to pull up quickly later on, click this guy -->
to add the thread to your own list under
My Home at the top of the page. Makes things easier to find.
And speaking of finding things, here's all you need to know about how the search works here.
1. Click the bold
'Search' link above.
2. You will see a listing of forum areas on the left in a box. Select
3. On the same page, at the top of the column on the right, enter
+"Cyclone" -"Re:"
4. Hit ENTER or scroll down and click the
Submit button.
This will show you any threads which mention the Cyclone in our technical sections (sparing you from old sales posts and goofy, off-topic conversations).
The search on this board is not the most intuitive, but once you get the hang of it, man, can it be rewarding.
Give it a shot. As someone who has a Cyclone and has looked this stuff up a few times (but still hasn't installed it) there are multiple ways to hook up the Cyclone, multiple ways to control it, and multiple threads about why different people like the different ways they've hooked it up.
Welcome aboard.