I doubt it. Best you can do is fab up your own. I bought my piping from here and used a Dave Brode upper I/C pipe (though I'm not sure if Brode is still in that business. His last known contact address is [email protected] (not sure if that address is still working, either).
I know JonVr4 does but he never replied to my messages =/, I know Scott was selling his set not to long ago, but I wasnt able to get funds at the time. Anyone that can get a hold of jon please send him my way.
I was just at Jon's tonight paying him for the hood and sunroof I picked up from him. He's around, it may take him a bit to reply sometimes, but he's around.
I gave up on my kit!
still hae the evo I/C but no piping. BAD DEAL and lack of patience on my part.
But I am always interested if someone is making them.
Its not that bad too do if you have the patience and a free day. If you have the 2 factory couplers coming off the ic its even easier. Do it long route around the frame and 1g style with a j-pipe too make it even simpler.
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